“We are now standing in the face of the greatest historical confrontation humanity has gone through. I do not think that wide circles of the American society or wide circles of the Christian community realize this fully. We are now facing the final confrontation between the Church and the anti-Church, of the Gospel and the anti-Gospel. This confrontation lies within the plans of divine providence. It is a trial which the whole Church… must take up.” Karol Cardinal Wotyla (Sept. 1976)

Saturday, July 12, 2008

UMN President Robert Bruininks' Past History

Here is an interesting tidbit, in September of 2006, the University of Minnesota put on a play called "The Pope and the Witch." The play was written by a well-known, anti-Catholic bigot, Dario Fo.

The Catholic League was on it and protested the funding of the play to President Robert Bruininks. Long Island's newspaper, Newsday, described this play as involving ‘a heroin-addicted, paranoid Pope called John Paul II, along with scheming priests, bumbling nuns and monks….’ Comically, Long Island Catholics consider Newsday as an extremely anti-Catholic newspaper and for them to cite this is remarkable and speaks of the vile nature of this play.

Well, Robert Bruininks ignored this protest and let the play be performed with taxpayer dollars.

Most would think this is a very bad sign for those who agree with the Catholic League and want PZ Myers dismissed; however, I have another take.

My view is that Bruininks now has a past record of ignoring a grievance coming from the Roman Catholic community, and ignoring this second more flagrant sacrilege would establish an obvious pattern. Back-to-back, pluralistic, indifferent responses ignoring the concerns of the Catholic community would establish tolerance and coddling of anti-Catholic bigotry at the level of the President’s office. The shift of focus could go from a wacko, fringe-professor, PZ Myers, to the President of the University himself, Bruininks, and involve the people he is held accountable to. Bruininks is politically skillful enough to have gained the President's office in a state university system and hopefully smart enough to see this reality.

If I were Bruininks, keeping Myers, a ranting lunatic who made his own bed, would not be worth jeopardizing my six-figure salary and established position. His trump card was played two years ago and there are no more in his deck.


Anonymous said...

The play was written by a well-known, anti-Catholic bigot, Dario Fo.

"Well-known" at least partly because he won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1997.

Which suggests that his work has rather more literary merit, not to mention nuance, than you're making out.

A Voice in the Crowd said...

You haven't read my post about Nobel prizes. Hitler and Mussolini were nominated for them. They are extremely political and extremely left-leaning.

Pope John Paul II never won one, when there was no one more deserving of a Peace Prize. Al Gore did however... for I am still unsure as to what tangible thing he did to deserve it.

And then there are contemporary, Mengele-type people winning them like Dr. James Watson.

You came to the wrong blog to try to impressed me by that bias prize. That and a token will get you on the subway.

Lisa Julia Photography said...

Dario Fo being awarded a Nobel Prize is of no consequence in relation to the original post. Who cares? It doesn't change the fact that he is a well-known anit-Catholic bigot.

Walter said...

""Well-known" at least partly because he won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1997.

Which suggests that his work has rather more literary merit, not to mention nuance, than you're making out."

have you read any of the latest Nobel prize winners works? Literary merit is not the description that immediately pops into my mind when i consider them.