“We are now standing in the face of the greatest historical confrontation humanity has gone through. I do not think that wide circles of the American society or wide circles of the Christian community realize this fully. We are now facing the final confrontation between the Church and the anti-Church, of the Gospel and the anti-Gospel. This confrontation lies within the plans of divine providence. It is a trial which the whole Church… must take up.” Karol Cardinal Wotyla (Sept. 1976)

Monday, May 26, 2008

In Honor of the Feast of Corpus Christi

A recent, grieving, Protestant widow in a foreign country saw a Corpus Christi procession outside her window. In her overwhelming grief she wrote to her sister-in-law (Protestant as well), "How happy would we be, [if we] believed what these dear souls believe: that they possess God the Sacrament, and that He remains in their churches and is to them when they are sick! … The other day, in a moment of excessive distress, I fell on my knees without thinking when the Blessed Sacrament passed by, and cried in an agony to God to bless me, if He was there-that my whole soul desired only Him."

The grieving widow was Elizabeth Ann Seton, who later became the first American to be canonized. Faith is a journey.

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Pray for us.

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